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Centria-Finna is Centria Library's online catalog. In Centria-Finna you can
Login to the service with either your Haka ID or your library card number. HAKA ID (Centria email address) gives access to all the services and you can read licensed e-resources.
When logging in with a library card, you can make reservations, new your own loans, and store references in your own account.
When logging in with the Haka ID, be sure to attach the library card to your account at the first time. Instructions here!
Electronic resources are available within Centria network and also remotely via proxy. Remote access is available for Centria's students and staff. All links in the guide work remotely. In case of any problems, please contact the library.
There are two kinds of databases: full text and reference.
Full text databases contain articles, books, statistics that you can read online.
Reference databases refer to materials, but you can't read them online.
Some databases contain both full text and reference materials.