DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals is an online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access research journals, periodicals and their articles' metadata. The Directory aims to be comprehensive and cover all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use an appropriate quality control system and is not limited to particular languages or subject areas. All data is freely available.
How to search in DOAJ
Nursing researches are published mostly in journals. The most common types of
articles are original researches, reviews or systematic reviews. It is important to follow professional journals to maintain your professional skills.
Articles can be found both in paper and electronic format. In Centria Library there are some subscribed paper journals, which can be borrowed, but most of them are published online and can be browsed and searched via databases.
The most recent research data is published in journal articles. Research articles are published mostly in peer reviewed journals, although research articles can be found also in professional journals. You can familiarize different article types here!
Academic Search Complete Multi-discipline search portal for electronic journals. In ASE there are more than 2000 full text journals, most of them are peer reviewed.
Cinahl International database for nursing journals with 70 full text journals. Use the "Full text" button to find the articles which are available to you. See guidance video
Medline Covers approximately 5600 international journals of medicine and its related fields (nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine) and contains the data of tens of millions of articles.
Sage Journals Collection of 600 journals, beginning from 1999. Main topics are education, cultural studies, medicine and health professions, psychology and sociology.
Science Direct Contains journals mostly in natural sciences and medicine. You can limit your search by discipline, e.g. Nursing and Health Professions. Science Direct Tutorials