Most online catalogs and databases use some form of subject headings, though they may also be called descriptors or keywords.
Subject headings are a set of terms or phrases that classify materials and concepts. Essentially they identify and pull together information about a given subject. .
While most databases come up with their own list of subject headings, some use standardized systems. Our library catalogue, for example, uses the Library of Congress system in English and YSO in Finnish.
You can use multilingual dictionary and translation service to translate keywords.
Books and journal articles form the basis of information retrieval. Books are published both in printed and electronic form. In the library online catalogues, such as Centria-Finna and you are able to search printed books and you can also find links to e-books.
You can access e-books with a multitude of different devices, such as your mobile phone. Some of the e-books require you to be logged in to Centria's network. Theses, dissertations and most research publications are usually published as Open Access.
In this page You will find access to the most important online catalogues in order to find e.g. Your course books.
Ebook Central
offers ebooks in all academic subject areas. How to use Ebook Central
offers e-books from various fields and mostly in Finnish. Log in to the service using the Haka-login of Centria UAS. Ellibs instructions: link
(former Papermaking Science and Technology) covers the entire paper manufacturing process as training courses, and handbooks for the industry. Requires a registration with your Centria e-mail address when accessing the site for the first time.
is a multidisciplinary e-book service. For example, e-books that were previously available on Dawsonera are available in this service. Guidance videos can be found here!
Directory of Open Access books is a search service for free online academic and peer-reviewed e-books. Instructions
Intech is the world's largest multidisciplinary publisher of open access books in the fields of Science, Technology and Medicine. The main subject area is currently Engineering, followed by Health Sciences, Life Sciences and Social Sciences.
The OAPEN Library contains books mainly in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences, but it also has sections for technology and engineering. All material in Oapen Library is open access.
SpringerOpen includes open access books and journals across all areas of science. All journals and books are high-level peer reviewed and made freely and permanently available online immediately upon publication. Explore the journals by subject