Bank of Finland - publications
Research Institute of the Finnish Economy ETLA - working papers
Harvard Business School Working Papers Collection
RePEc (Research Papers in Economics)
S-WoBA - Scandinavian Working Papers in Business Administration
VATT Institute for Economic Research
EUR-Lex - Access to European Union law
Finlex is an online database of up-to-date legislative and other judicial information of Finland. Finlex is owned by Finland's Ministry of Justice.
Eurostat - your key to European statistics
Findicator - up-to-date information on key social indicators
UNdata - a world of information
UNECE statistical database - country overviews, economic statistics, forestry statistics, transport statistics and gender statistics
Bielefeld Academic Search Engine is a search engine especially for academic open access web resources. BASE provides more than 70 million documents from more than 3,000 sources and you can access the full texts of about 60% of the indexed documents. Search tips for Base
European Small Business Portal
GEM - Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) offers variety of services: apply, renew, or search for trademarks, apply for a patent, registered details of businesses and company search.
PSK Standardising compiles standards that are required for the investments and maintenance of industrial mills and plants. PSK closely co-operates with the Finnish Standards Association SFS, which is the channel for publishing national SFS standards.
SFS-Online provides a collection of SFS and ISO standards. There are publications in English and in Finnish. Start and click ONLINE and "Open Contract", after that You are able to search certain standards
Boost your foreign language comprehension, writing productivity and language learning with the help of the high-quality MOT Kielipalvelu®.
The language service contains the same language tools you know and love in MOT, with a modern and easy-to-use user experience.
MOT Kielipalvelu® is updated on a regular basis and includes the following:
· MOT Dictionaries®
o English, Swedish, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Dutch, Italian
o general language vocabulary as well as specialist vocabulary, for example from the fields of medicine, technology, commerce, economics and law
· dictionaries by Oxford University Press
o English, German, Spanish, Chinese, Italian
· dictionaries by NE (Nationalencyclopedin)
o Stora engelska ordbok, Svensk ordbok
o more dictionary content coming soon
· MOT Kääntäjä® (machine translation)
o 25 languages, 597 language pairs
o combines machine translation and a dictionary
· MOT Kielentarkistin® (proofreading and spellchecking)
o proofreads texts and suggests corrections
o supported languages: English, German, French
When you are connected to the organization’s network, you can access the service by simply navigating to
If you want to access the service outside of the organization’s network, follow these steps (same instructions in video format):