The staff and students of Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius use the e-resources provided by the Jyväskylä University library, which can be found in JykDok.
Centria Library Kokkola
Talonpojankatu 2, 67100 Kokkola
Tel. 040 808 5102
Centria Library Ylivieska
Vierimaantie 7, 84100 Ylivieska
Tel. 040 729 9913
Check opening hours from
If you have difficulties in opening e-resources, try either to clear browser cache or try another browser!
GUIDE: How to clear browser cache
When working outside Centria's network (home or guest network), click a link of your choice from below. Log in to the service with your personal user name and password via Haka system.
When working within Centria's network (Centria.local-network or Eduroam-wlan), you have direct access to e-resources with one exception by clicking a link of your choice from the list below. The exception is mentioned in the context of the e-resource.
Abi Inform Thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals. Instructions
Academic Search Complete A multidisciplinary database with more than 2,370 full text journals. Training video
Centria-Finna Centria University of Applied Sciences Library catalog
Cinahl International collection of nursing journals. Training video
DOAB Search service for free online academic and peer-reviewed e-books. Instructions
DOAJ An online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.. Instructions
Emerald A collection of management and engineering journals, books and case studies. Training videos | Instructions (PDF)
ForestBioFacts (former Papermaking Science and Technology) Service focusing on wood industry material. For the first time, register with your Centria email address.
Human Anatomy Atlas is an interactive and visual 3D database of human body. Instruction video
IEL Online A collection of electrical engineering and information technology journals, conference papers and standards. Instructions
Knowpap A collection of paper industry material.
Knowpulp A collection of pulp industry material.
Medline covers approximately 5600 international journals of medicine and its related fields (nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine) and contains the data of tens of millions of articles. Medline contains basic information and abstracts of articles. There's also a link to the online version of the article in the majority of articles.
Melinda Union catalog of Finnish university libraries. Includes also the collection of Centria UAS library. Instructions
MOT Multilingual dictionary. To use the service outside Centria´s network, get access to it first from this link.
PubMed comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher websites. Instructions
SAGE Journals More than 600 full-text journals in fields of education, culture, health sciences, politics, psychology, sociology, economics, religion and communications. Instructions
Science Direct 2000 journals in fields of natural sciences, medicine and engineering. Instructions
SFS Online A collection of standards of SFS Finnish Standards. Requires Haka login from the Centria network as well!
VLeBooks A multidisciplinary collection of e-books. Training videos: Video 1: How to read an e-book online, Video 2: How to download an e-book