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Publisher's Guide

What is publication?

Publication data collection follows criteria for publication types as defined by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Publication is a general term used for different types of professional or scientific activity outputs. It therefore does not only refer to written articles or books.

For example, the publication may be:

  • article in a journal or conference paper
  • book
  • music show
  • theatrical performance
  • patent
  • invention notice
  • audiovisual material
  • ICT program or software

The publication must meet the following criteria:

  1. Publication should be publicly available to anyone.
  2. The publication channel must have an editorial board independent of the author or a publisher who decides on the publications that are published on the publication channel.
  3. The publication has not previously been published in data collection in a reportable format.
  4. The author of the publication has a connection to the UAS.
  5. The publication is based on research or expert work done by the author at the UAS.

Publication types

Definitions of publications

Definitions of Publications

Scientific publication

  1. Publication delivers new information
  2. The publication is presented in a format that gives the possibility of verification of research findings or their use in new research
  3. The publication is written in plain language and must have an available publishing channel
  4. The publication channel must have an evaluation policy in which the text to be published is evaluated by an external entity.

Professional publication

  1. The publication produces new information for the use of the professional community.
  2. The publication is publicly available.
  3. The publishing channel has an editorial board or publisher who decides on publications that are published on the publication channel.

General-minded publication

  1. The publication disseminates research and development based information to the general public.
  2. Understanding the publication does not require special familiarity with the field.

Conference publication

  1. The conference is regularly repetitive.
  2. The conference release must be publicly available (ISBN/ISSN numbering).

Definitions of artistic publication

Artistic publication

  1. Publication has emerged with the author's deliberate, based on artistic vision.
  2. Publication is public; publication has been decided by something other than the author himself.
  3. The publication is recorded only one time; successive disclosures of the same release are not recorded as separate.
  4. Results resulting from artistic teaching and directing work are not reported.

Types of publications in the field of art:

F1 Separate Publication

  • an art publication that is an independent entity without being part of another artwork
  • work can be published independently (e.g., solo exhibition, play text)

F2 Public Part-Implementation of Artistic Works

  • the release can be valued as a separate relation to the co-release (e.g., actor's role performance, musician's contribution to concert)

F3 Artistic Part of Non-Artistic Publication

  • artistic part of a publication which has no artistic context is (e.g., compositional work for a promotional film)

Discipline of publication

The disciplinary classification used in publishing data collection is based on the FOS classification of the OECD.

Natural Sciences
111 Mathematics
112 Statistics
113 Computing and Information Sciences
114 Physics
115 Space Sciences and Astronomy
116 Chemistry
1171 Geosciences
1172 Environmental Science
1181 Ecology, Evolutionary Biology
1182 Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology
1183 Plant biology, microbiology, virology
1184 Genetics, Developmental Biology, Physiology
119 Other Natural Sciences

211 Architecture
212 Construction and Community Engineering
213 Electrical, Automation and Telecommunications Engineering, Electronics
214 Mechanical and Manufacturing Technology
215 Technical Chemistry, Chemical Process Engineering
216 Materials Engineering
217 Medical Engineering
218 Environmental Engineering
219 Environmental biotechnology
220 Industrial biotechnology
221 Nanotechnology
222 Other technology

Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
3111 Biomedical Sciences
3112 Neurosciences
3121 Internal diseases
3122 Cancer diseases
3123 Obstetrics and Paediatrics
3124 Neurology and Psychiatry
3125 Ear, nose and throat diseases, ophthalmology
3126 Surgery, Anesthesiology, Intensive Care, Radiology
313 Dentistry
3141 Health Science
3142 Public Health Science, Environment and Occupational Health
315 Physical Science
316 Nursing
317 Pharmaceuticals
318 Medical Biotechnology
319 Forensic Medicine and Other Medicine

Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
4111 Agricultural Science
4112 Forestry
412 Domestic Zoology, Dairy Economics
413 Veterinary Medicine
414 Agricultural biotechnology
415 Other Agricultural Sciences

Social Sciences
511 National Economics
512 Business Economics
513 Law
5141 Sociology
5142 Social and social policy
515 Psychology
516 Educational Sciences
517 State Doctrine, Administrative Science
518 Media and Communication Sciences
519 Social Geography, Economic Geography
520 Other Social Sciences

611 Philosophy
6121 Linguistics
6122 Literary Studies
6131 Theatre, Dance, Music, Other Performing Arts
6132 Fine Arts and Design
614 Theology
615 History and archaeology
616 Other Humanities