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RefWorks guide

How to make backups from a RefWorks database

Creating backup from a RefWorks database

1. Choose the references you wish to backup. You can backup everything by selecting All references, or just a single folder from My folders, or just specific references from a folder.

2. Click Share > Export references from the top menu.

3. You can still choose whether you want a backup copy of the references you selected (if you chose individual references) or from all references in the folder. In addition, you can choose the file format of the backup file to be in either BibTeX, RIS, tsv, or XML format.

4. Click Export, and a new window will prompt you to save the backup file to your computer.



Restoring backups from a RefWorks database

1. Open RefWorks.

2. From the top menu, click Add > Import references.



3. A new window will open. You can either drag & drop the backup file into the Drop file here box, or you can click the Select a file from your computer, which lets you browse your computer for a backup file to be restored.

4. Choose the file to be restored.

5. RefWorks will automatically indentify the format of the file and wishes you to confirm it.

6. Finally, click Import. At this point, you can select the destination folder from My folders. Click Import once more. Recovered references can also be found in the Last imported folder.


Restoring backups from other systems

1. Select Add > Import references from the top menu.

2. Choose if you wish to import references from older RefWorks (Legacy RefWorks) or Mendeley (Mendeley).

3. RefWorks will ask you to log in to the selected site, and will guide you through the rest of the restore process.