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Wihi instructions

4 Topic proposal

1. Log into Wihi with your Centria ID. 

2. If you have more than one study right, select the correct study right from Study rights.

3. Click Create topic proposal. This opens a window in which you can create a topic proposal (if the proposal does not open, check that your browser allows pop-ups.

4. If the work is done in pairs or as groupwork, add the names of the other group members. Check that the training of each student member is given correctly in ‘Group members’. Please note: You should agree in advance which of the group members starts the process by saving the topic proposal. If you are working alone, you do not need to add the group members. 

5. At this stage, you must complete at least the mandatory fields (marked with a red asterisk). As you are doing this, you can also save the topic proposal.

A screenshot from creating a topic proposal.


6. You can use the project work name for the thesis until a more specific name has been chosen. However, remember to update the name of the thesis and its translation as soon as they are known and before you send the final version of the thesis to plagiarism check.

Please note: After the advisor has evaluated your thesis, the document name and its translation that you have saved to Wihi will be added to your study attainments and to your certificate. The student is responsible for the correctness of the information.

7. Specialisation field is not mandatory information. 

8. The planned start and completion dates of the thesis project are only indicative. You can change them as the work progresses. 

9. If you know the type of your thesis, you can give it here. Otherwise, select ‘Not known’. You can change the information later. 

10. You can suggest a supervision schedule but note that individual degree programmes may have their own schedules for thesis supervision.

11. Description of the content, aim and outcome of the work is mandatory information. You can complete other fields as your thesis project makes progress.

A screenshot from thesis description in Wihi.


12. If you are writing the thesis for a specific customer, enter the details of the customer as soon as you know them.


A screenshot from adding commissioning information in Wihi.


13. Readiness is a non-mandatory field. To facilitate the approval of your topic proposal, it is recommended that you enter background information in this field.


A screenshot from readiness in Wihi.


14. Undertaking to observe good scientific practice is a mandatory requirement. For more detailed instructions, see chapter Ethical guidelines for writing a thesis in Centria´s thesis guide or TENK´s publication.

15. Complete this section by sending the topic proposal. You can also prepare the proposal over a longer period in which case you can save the proposal as a draft before sending it. Cancelling the topic proposal will delete the draft.

After you have sent the topic proposal, the first Wihi workspace opens: Topic proposal. Here you can see that the topic proposal has been sent to the coordinator for approval. 

Please note: If the thesis is a group project, each student must approve the topic proposal before the coordinator can approve it.


A screenshot from topic proposal.


The coordinator may ask you to clarify your topic proposal. You will receive an automatic email notification of the messages saved in Wihi by the coordinator. You will receive an automatic email notification after the coordinator has approved your topic proposal and an advisor has been set for your project.