Research-based development aims to solve problems or challenges that have risen in everyday practice. It aims to renew concepts or practices, and often also to create new information and knowledge on working life practices. Research-based development as a concept refers to a certain systematic, analytical and critical framework that the development work is based on. Typical for research-based approach is also that the developed solutions and produced information/knowledge are built on existing information or knowledge base. Theory and practice are interconnected in the development process. Approaches to research-based development include, for example, action research and constructive research. (Ojansalo, Moilanen & Ritalahti 2015, 18-21.)
The structure of research-based development reporting depends on the approach. For example, it can proceed as follows:
Ojasalo, K., Moilanen, T. & Ritalahti, J. 2015. Kehittämistyön menetelmät. Uudenlaista osaamista liiketoimintaan. 3. – 4. edition. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro Oy.
Moilanen, T., Ojasalo, K. & Ritalahti, J. 2022. Methods for development work: New kinds of competencies in business operations. Helsinki, Finland: Books on Demand GmbH.