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Centria Guide for Thesis and Academic Writing

Practice-based thesis

Starting point for the thesis

Starting point for the thesis

Satisfactory 1  Satisfactory 2 Good 3 Good 4 Excellent 5

Purpose and objectives 

Working life orientation

Significance and topicality of the subject

Defining the subject of study

The purpose and objectives can be discerned,
but are unorganized.

The subject of study has been weakly defined.

The significance of the subject has been argued
for poorly, or not at all.

The report has not been connected to previous information or discussion
on the topic.

The purpose and objectives are realistic, but unorganized.

The subject definition has flaws.

The significance
of the work is only partly argued for.

The report has been restrictively  
connected to previous information and discussion on the topic.

The purpose and objectives are mostly clear and realistic.

The subject of study is generally defined.

The significance of the work is mostly argued for.

The report has been connected to previous information and discussion on
the topic.

The purpose and objectives are clear and realistic.

The subject of study is well defined.

The significance of the work is well argued for.

The report has been well connected to previous information and
discussion on the topic.

The purpose and
objectives are very clear and realistic.

The objectives
have led to practical applications in an
excellent way.

The subject of study is
very well defined.

The significance of
the work is exceptionally
well argued for.

The work has been connected to previous information and
discussion on the topic in an excellent and innovative way.

Theoretical framework and references

Theoretical framework and references

Satisfactory 1 Satisfactory 2 Good 3 Good 4 Excellent 5

Concept definitions

Logic and consistency of contents

Diverse use of source materials

Critical approach to source materials

Conversation between sources


The most central
concepts are defined

The subject knowledge is inadequate.

The theoretical framework
does not proceed logically.

The use of sources
is limited and/ or the sources are used narrowly.

There is no critical
approach to the source materials and no conversation between different sources.

The most central concepts are satisfactorily defined.

The theoretical framework
does not proceed logically
in all respects.

The use of sources is,
in parts, lacking and narrow.

There is not always a
critical approach to the source materials and only little conversation
between different sources.

Key concepts are rather well defined.

The theoretical framework proceeds logically in general.

Sources have mostly been used in a diverse and critical way.

There is some conversation between the different sources used.

Key concepts are well defined.

The theoretical framework proceeds logically.

Sources have been used in a diverse and critical way.

There is enough conversation between the sources used.

Key concepts are very well defined.

The theoretical framework proceeds especially logically.

Sources have been used in a very diverse and critical way.

There is plenty of meaningful conversation between the sources used.

Implementation method

Implementation method

Satisfactory 1 Satisfactory 2 Good 3 Good 4 Excellent 5

Justification for choices

The solutions made are inadequately justified or not justified at all.

The solutions made are satisfactorily justified.

The choices made are mostly well-justified.

The choices made are well-justified.

The choices made are justified exceptionally well.

Command of implementation method

The command of implementation method is insufficient.

The command of implementation method is satisfactory.

The command of implementation method is mostly good.

The command of implementation method is good.

The command of implementation method is very good.

Cooperation with working life

The cooperation
with working life is missing or not enough.

The cooperation
with working life
has been satisfactory.

The cooperation with working life has been good in general.

The cooperation with working life has been good.

The cooperation with working life has been excellent.

Use of references (i.e. project and development literature)

The use of references is limited or non-existent.

The use of references
is not always appropriate and/ or the sources are
used narrowly.

The use of references is mainly adequate and diversified.

The use of references is adequate and diversified.

The use of references is excellent, critical and very diversified.

Thesis results

Thesis results 

Satisfactory 1 Satisfactory 2 Good 3 Good 4 Excellent 5

Correspondence between objectives and results

The objectives set for the thesis are met poorly.

The objectives set for the thesis are met satisfactorily.

The objectives set for the thesis are mainly met.

The objectives set for the thesis are well met.

The objectives set for the thesis are very well met.

Impact and utilization possibilities of the results

The impact and utilization possibilities of the results
have not been acknowledged at all or only barely.

The impact and
utilization possibilities of the results have been acknowledged to some extent.

The impact and utilization possibilities of the results have mostly been well- acknowledged.

The impact and utilization possibilities of the results have been well- acknowledged.

The impact and utilization possibilities
of the results have been very well- acknowledged.

Discussion and reflection

Discussion and reflection

Satisfactory 1 Satisfactory 2 Good 3 Good 4 Excellent 5

Discussion about results in relation to theoretical framework

The discussion about
results in relation to the theoretical framework has weaknesses or is missing.

The discussion about results in relation
to the theoretical framework is

The discussion about results in relation to the theoretical framework is mostly good.

The discussion about results in relation to the theoretical framework is good.

The discussion about results in relation to the theoretical framework is impressive.

Reliability and ethics

The discussion about
reliability and ethics is
weak or missing completely.

The discussion
about reliability and ethics is satisfactory.

The discussion about reliability and ethics is mainly good.

The discussion about reliability and ethics is good.

The discussion about reliability and ethics is excellent.

Personal learning and professional growth

The reflection on personal learning and professional growth is limited or non-existent. 

The reflection on personal learning and professional growth is satisfactory.

The reflection on personal learning and professional growth is mostly good.

The reflection on personal learning and professional growth is good.

The reflection on personal learning and professional growth is very good.

Written presentation

Written presentation

Satisfactory 1 Satisfactory 2 Good 3 Good 4 Excellent 5

Logical structure

The structure of the report is unorganized.

The structure of the report has some shortcomings.

The structure of the report is organized

The structure of the report is logical and clear.

The structure of the report is very logical and descriptive, and progresses efficiently.

Grammatical correctness

The text is mainly understandable,
but there are many shortcomings in the grammar (sentence structure, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation).

The text is mainly understandable,
but there are some shortcomings in the grammar (sentence structure, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation).

The text is understandable
and explicit. There are not many shortcomings in the grammar (sentence structure, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation).

The text is fluent, understandable and grammatically correct.

The text is very fluent and grammatically correct.

Academic style of writing

The text contains colloquial language (informal and spoken expressions).

The text contains
some colloquial language (informal and spoken expressions).

The text follows the
expected style register.

The text follows the expected style register well.

The text follows the expected style register very well.

Finalized according to the given guidelines (margins, font, headings, title page, content, appendix, pictures, graphs and tables)

The report does not meet the requirements in the guidelines regarding the layout.

There are shortcomings
in the report layout.

The report mainly follows
the layout guidelines.

The report follows the layout guidelines.

The report follows the layout guidelines completely.


Sources and references are not indicated appropriately.

Sources and references are not always indicated appropriately.

Most sources and references are indicated appropriately.

Sources and references are indicated well, according to the guidelines.

Sources and references are indicated exactly according to the guidelines.

Process management

Process management

Satisfactory 1  Satisfactory 2 Good 3 Good 4 Excellent 5

Independent and methodical approach to thesis work, making good use of guidance, progress and completion of thesis

The thesis process has not progressed according to the plan. The student has needed much guidance or not made use of it at all. The student’s commitment to the process has been poor.

The thesis process has not progressed fully according to the plan. At times, the student has needed much guidance or not made use of it when needed.The student’s commitment to the process has been average.

The thesis process has progressed mainly according to the plan. The student has mostly made good use of the guidance. The student’s commitment to the process has in general been good.

The thesis process has progressed according to the plan. The student has made good use of the guidance.

The student’s commitment to the process has been good.

The thesis process has progressed very well according to the plan. The student has made good use of the guidance and also actively taken initiative.

The student’s commitment to the process has been very good.


Cooperation (with potential co-author, working life)

The student’s cooperation has been inadequate or non-existent.

The student’s cooperation has been satisfactory.

The student’s cooperation has mainly worked well.

The student’s cooperation has been good.

The student’s cooperation has been active and impressive.