A thesis always needs a theoretical framework, i.e. a theoretical foundation that the research or development task is connected to. The theoretical framework is based on previous information on the topic, meaning literature related to the topic, articles (in any language) and trustworthy Internet sources. The theoretical framework can also consist of expert interviews, lecture materials and theses.
The literature used should be summarized for the thesis. The student should also include personal reflection about the information. In other words, the student paraphrases the read information and gives references to the sources used inside the text. Quotations without correct references (copy-paste) are not allowed. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden. Plagiarism means all such activity where someone presents a script, article or text written by someone else as one’s own piece of text without properly naming the source (Hirsjärvi, Remes, Sajavaara & Sinivuori 2018, 26). It is also plagiarism to directly copy a text into the thesis, even if the source is given. The theoretical framework only includes necessary information, which means the information needed for the practical part. Unnecessary background information should be left out. No conclusions are drawn yet at this point.
The ethical guidelines for writing a thesis can be found in chapter 9 of this guide.
The theoretical framework can be written in many different ways. Below you can find two structure models that can be used in connecting the theoretical framework with the practical part.
a) Research-based thesis
The thesis is clearly based on the theoretical framework and the practical study. The practical study is closely connected to the theoretical information and source literature.
b) Practice-based thesis
When writing a working life report or a project report, the theoretical framework is not as comprehensive as in a research-oriented thesis, but instead it includes all the essential information for the activity or services to be developed. The theoretical framework also includes the information needed for handling the collected data and literature on research methods.
Hirsjärvi, S., Remes, P., Sajavaara, P. & Sinivuori, E. 2018. Tutki ja kirjoita. 22nd edition. Helsinki: Tammi.