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Centria Guide for Thesis and Academic Writing

Special cases

a) Leaving out the year of publishing

If it is not possible to include the year of publishing in the list of references, as is often the case with electronic sources, one can leave out the year of publishing both in the in-text references and the list of references.


b) Electronic articles with no permanent link

In some cases, an electronic article does not have a permanent online address or link. With these kinds of sources, the Internet address where the article is available is marked according to the Internet address of the service.

Parikka, H. 2013. Urheilijan sydän. In Lääkärin käsikirja. Available at: Accessed 4 June 2015.


Gupta, S. 2013. National Health Portal. Available at: Accessed 27 September 2015.


c) Electronic publication with no author

Jymäytetäänkö vanhempia varhaiskasvatuspalveluissa. Available at: Accessed 15 April 2015.