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Centria Guide for Thesis and Academic Writing

Report, brochure and blog

Report or brochure

Reports, committee reports and brochures are marked in the list of references as follows:

Author’s last name, the first letter of the author’s first name. Year of publishingThe whole name of the work. Place of publishing, publisher, publication series and number. (Note that the year is not repeated unless it is included in the numbering of the series.)

Hakulinen-Viitanen, T., Hietanen-Peltola, M., Bloigu, A. & Pelkonen, M. 2014. Äitiys- ja lastenneuvolatoiminta sekä kouluterveydenhuolto: valtakunnallinen seuranta 2012. Helsinki: Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. Report 12/2014.


If the author is not mentioned, the reference can be made using either the publishing organization or the name of the publication. Most importantly, check that the in-text reference and the references list match.

Below are examples of both ways:

Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteiden uudistus. Esite. 
Available at: Accessed 5 May 2020.
Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteiden uudistus. 2017. Esite. Opetushallitus. 
Available at: Accessed 5 May 2020.


Other examples:

Finnish National Board on Research Integrity. 2023. The Finnish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and Procedures of Handling Alleged Violations of Research Integrity in Finland. Helsinki:  Finnish National Board on Research Integrity. 


Electronic report or brochure

In the case of an electronic report or brochure, the permanent address and access date are also added at the end of the reference. 

Leppisaari, I., Ihanainen, P., Nevgi, A., Taskila, V-M., Tuominen, T. & Saari, S. 2008. Hyvässä kasvussa – Yhdessä kehittäen kohti ammattikorkeakoulujen laadukasta verkko-opetusta. Helsinki. Korkeakoulujen arviointineuvosto. Korkeakoulujen arviointineuvoston julkaisuja 4: 2008. Available at: Accessed 19 January 2024.



A blog often has an author whose name is mentioned. It's a good idea to check the expertise of the author of the blog, so check what else is known about the person. He or she may be a top researcher in your field, or just an enthusiastic hobbyist, and so the blog may be a primary source or only a secondary one. 

Nurminen, T. 2023. Kielellisesti saavutettavia viranomaispalveluita. Kapulat kielestä -blogi. Available at: Accessed 13 November 2023