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Centria Guide for Thesis and Academic Writing


Articles in edited work

When using an article published in an edited work the following information is included in the list of references:

Author’s last name, the first letter of the author’s first name. Year of publishing. Name of the article. In + The first letter of the editor's first name. The editor's/ editors’ last name(s) (ed./ eds.) The whole name of the edited work (in italics). Place of publishing: Publisher, page numbers of the article in the work.

Döös, M. 2007. Organizational learning. Competence-bearing relations and breakdowns of workplace relatonics. In L. Farell & T. Fenwick (eds.) World Year Book of Education 2007. Educating the global workforce. Knowledge, knowledge work and knowledge workers. London: Routledge, 141-153.


Kiviniemi, K., Leppisaari, I. & Teräs, H. 2013. Autenttiset verkko-oppimisratkaisut asiantuntijuuden kehittäjinä. In J. T. Hakala & K. Kiviniemi (eds.) Vuorovaikutuksen jännitteitä ja oppimisen säröjä. Aikuispedagogiikan haasteiden äärellä. Jyväskylän yliopisto, Kokkolan yliopistokeskus Chydenius, 99–114.


Teräs, H., Leppisaari, I., Teräs, M. & Herrington, J. 2014. Learning cultures and multiculturalism: Authentic e-learning designs. In T. Issa, P. Isaias & P. Kommers (eds.) Multicultural Awareness and Technology in Higher EducationGlobal Perspectives. Hershey, PA: IGI-Global, 197–217.
Articles in a journal or magazine

If an article has been published in in a journal, magazine or newspaper, it is marked in the list of references as follows:

Author’s last name, the first letter of the author’s first name. Year of publishing. Name of the articleName of the journal/magazine/newspaper, volume, issue, page numbers of the article in the journal/magazine.

The name of the journal or magazine is written in italics according to the Harvard referencing style.

Leppisaari, I., Kleimola, R., Herrington, J., Maunula, M. & Hohenthal, T. 2014. Developing More Authentic e-Courses by Integrating Working Life Mentoring and Social Media. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 25(2), 211–236.


Electronic article

In the case of an electronic article, the permanent address, the DOI, and the access date are added at the end of the reference. 

Cantele, S. & Zardini, A. 2018. Is sustainability a competitive advantage for small businesses? An empirical analysis of possible mediators in the sustainability–financial performance relationship. Journal of cleaner production, 182, 166–176. Available at: Accessed 15 January 2024.


Newspaper article

In newspaper articles the author is not necessarily mentioned. In this case the reference is made using the title of the article and it is written in italics.

Millenium miljoonan päättäjät. 2006. Taloussanomat 15.6.2006.


Superstara. 2023. Helsingin Sanomat, Kuukausiliite 3.6.2023, 615, 30–39.